#1 Guide for iPad, App and Developer Advice / News
AppAdvice has been a go to resource for me since the day I bought my first iPad 1. In the beginning it was because there were no other media resources out there that were as all-encompassing as AppAdvice. Now, of the 20 + publications I peruse on a daily basis, they are the first and most in-depth read of the day.
Besides the fact that they cover more than games or business Apps, their honesty is refreshing in a world where the all mighty dollar dictates what is written about. I also realized recently that it doesnt simply appeal to techies such as myself, but to the youngest generation. My 7, 8 and 11 year old children each now read AppAdvice. When a publication crosses the generation boundary like that you can rest assured they are the premiere App Technology publication in circulation.
Take a look for yourself and let them know what you think.
Michael Harris-Arzon
Ardynn Media Group
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AppAdvice, v1.5